Jumping the Blanket
Jumping the Blanket (1895)

Jumping the Blanket

(85 votes)



We see a whole bunch of men holding a blanket and one man starts running towards them and jumps in. This procedure repeats itself a couple times and the man becomes seemingly more adapted to the scene as it goes on.

Psychologist Sigmund Freud analyzed this for one of his college assignments. His roomate was a football player (who happened to walk in their dorm room wearing his football uniform when this film was on).

While the Lumiere Bros were known for their actualities, they did, however, turn out a few brief comedies that when viewed today cannot be considered funny due to the fact that these kinds of one-gag ideas just don't work anymore. But for the time, it was a laugh.

Le saut à la couverture (1895) This French film is also known as JUMPING THE BLANKET and that's pretty much what you see. The camera is stationed with a group of men holding a blanket.
